Photo: Middle East Children’s Alliance

As we face the threat of COVID-19 in our own communities with social distancing, the importance of collective social solidarity becomes even more clear. COVID-19 poses a global threat, and some Palestinians are particularly vulnerable, such as Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and Palestinians living under siege in Gaza, where the health care system and its supplies have been massively depleted through 14 years of siege that have accompanied three devastating Israeli wars on the besieged Strip.

The siege makes it extremely difficult for many supplies and funds to get to Gaza, where they are desperately needed in order to face the threat of coronavirus. The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) is one organization on the ground in Gaza that can help with urgent needs for medical aid. We encourage friends of ISM and supporters of Palestine to donate to MECA’s Medical Aid for Gaza initiative online.

Dr. Mona El-Farra, other MECA staff, and volunteers in Gaza are working tirelessly with health providers to:

Donate here:

And learn more about MECA here: