Protesters gather, a Palestinian flag flying, little girl on her fathers shoulders.

ISM UK is offering a day of pre-training for prospective volunteers who are interested in joining the International Solidarity Movement on the ground in Palestine. 

Attending the training session in north London will give you a chance to get a first impression of ISM and the kind of work we do, receive training, connect with former volunteers and have your questions answered. You will also be filled in on how Palestinians are resisting the occupation and how we as internationals can work in solidarity with them using non-violent, direct action methods. 

There is no obligation to join ISM after the training. 

Lunch will be provided however we ask participants to pay a fee of £5 to cover training costs. 

Date: November 30, 2019

Time: 10:30-16:00

Location: North London

To sign up for the training, please contact

This article was originally published by ISM Palestine