logo-for-mailing-to-listReposted from www.gazaark.org

Dear friends:

On the 3rd commemoration of Israel’s lawless and brutal attack on the Freedom Flotilla in 2010, Gaza’s Ark and the Freedom Flotilla Coalition have not and will not give up efforts to challenge and end the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.

This is a photo of the fishing trawler, ad-Dahoul, that we recently purchased from Palestinian fishers. We have now started to transform it into Gaza’s Ark – a cargo vessel to export Palestinian products from the port of Gaza, Palestine.
Due to the unprofitable nature of the fishing industry in Gaza under the blockade, the boats available to purchase were all quite run down as a result of lack of maintenance. This is a consequence of the meager profits of fishing within the 3 mile Israeli imposed limit and the risk of boats being attacked and stolen by the Israeli Navy.

Despite this, ad-Dahoul, from now on: Gaza’s Ark, is of sound body and engine. We witnessed the boat salvaging a fully submerged 12 meter long fishing boat from the harbor.

Follow our website over the coming weeks for updates and step by step progress as we convert and prepare Gaza’s Ark for sailing.

Please remember that this progress will only be possible with your generous donations: www.gazaark.org/donate

Gaza’s Ark not only challenges the blockade, it helps empower the Palestinian people, encourages export and productivity and actively supports the marine industry in Gaza. For more details visit www.gazaark.org

Together, we can make it happen.

In solidarity,

Gaza’s Ark Steering Committee