Fisherman’s union hold a sit-in at Gaza port demanding an end to Israeli abuses

Palestinian fishermen protest Israeli violence and restrictions on their livelihoods 13 July | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza On Sunday, the Fishermen’s Syndicate in the Gaza Strip organized a protest sit-in and a press conference, demanding an end to the Israeli abuses against fishermen and the expansion of the fishing areas in the Gaza Sea. […]

Report on Land Confiscations by the Israeli Army in Salfeet and Qalqilya Area 

Israeli plan for the renewed confiscation of lands around Alei Zahav illegal settlement. The Israeli Occupation Forces has recently announced a new sequence of land seizures in eleven villages in Salfeet (Salfit) District and three in the Qalqilya area of Occupied Palestine. The total amount of land being confiscated, for “military/security” reasons, is the equivalent […]

Join ISM: Training in London, UK, November 30, 2019

in Action Alerts, Features, Reports November 7, 2019 ISM UK is offering a day of pre-training for prospective volunteers who are interested in joining the International Solidarity Movement on the ground in Palestine.  Attending the training session in north London will give you a chance to get a first impression of ISM and the kind […]

Mosques, churches, protests: Gaza on the Balfour Declaration’s 102nd anniversary

3rd November | Wafa Aludaini | Gaza, Occupied Palestine Gazans march in protest on the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. On the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, churches rang bells and mosques called for prayer at the same time, while tens of thousands of Palestinians entered the buffer zone this Friday between the […]

20 arrested as activists raise Palestinian flag in settlement

Over a hundred Palestinian and international activists entered an illegal Israeli settlement and raised the Palestinian flag on Saturday, October 26. Settlers and Israeli Occupation Forces responded violently to the peaceful protest, firing tear gas and flash grenades and arresting at least 20 people, including nine internationals and seven journalists. One activist from the International Solidarity […]

Bedouin kids join global climate strike in Palestine’s first Extinction Rebellion protest

Children of Umm al-Khair village call for environmental and Palestinian rights during global climate strike 19th October | International Solidarity Movement | Umm al-Khair, South Hebron Hill Bedouin children in the West Bank joined global climate protests yesterday, calling out the Israeli occupation’s role in exacerbating the effects of climate change on Palestinians.  Over a […]

Slain Gaza protester: father, husband, brother, and “a Palestinian who dreamed of liberation”

A Palestinian protester identified as Alaa Nizar Hamdan, 28, was shot dead yesterday by Israeli Occupation soldiers in Jabalia, northern Gaza during the 77th week of the “Great March of Return” protests. As thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Israeli barrier fence surrounding Gaza to participate in the marches, Israeli forces, who were positioned on sandy hills near the […]

Amazon, Israel, and the Occupation of Palestine

On September 22nd, Amazon quietly launched its operations in Israel, offering local delivery from a number of Israeli brands, with a Hebrew-language version of its Israel platform coming soon. Consumers in Israel now have faster and broader access to the world’s largest e-commerce marketplace, yet questions remained unanswered about Amazon’s ties with Israeli military, financial, […]

Statement on “postponement” of Regavim London talk due to activist pressure

Yesterday, UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) announced the “postponement” of a talk by extremist pro-settler group Regavim in London due to opposition from British, Israeli, and Palestinian activists. Regavim, which receives funding from the Israeli government, is not only anti-Palestinian and openly racist, but also lobbies for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the West […]