As we go to press, the Gaza Strip enduring yet another Israeli bombing campaign and over 200 Palestinians in Gaza, including 50 children have been killed in the past few days. But Gaza was in crisis before this — it has been blockaded for the past 13 years.

We say enough of this madness! It is incumbent on those of us who live in the U.S. to do everything we can to force our government to change, because Israel’s power derives from the U.S. You can phone your state’s members of congress — often — as long as the bombing continues and urge them to support Betty McCollum’s bill HR 2590 that will demand more transparency from Israel. One more thing you can do is to mail them postcards to remind them of Gaza’s plight.

With a new political administration in the United States, and many new members of Congress, now is an ideal time to try to end the bombing and the blockade by any and all means possible. We support projects like the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, but believe there is a way that each of us, from the safety of our homes, can do something that will make a difference. Legislators in Western countries that support Israel, and especially in the United States, need to hear from us that the blockade of Gaza must end immediately.

NorCal ISM has printed postcards with images of Gaza that we will provide you to address, add your own postage ($0.36 in the U.S) and then mail to legislators.

Request cards at